Some of you may be familiar with the book "The 48 Laws of Power", which is a an excellent book to read if you are going to get into business of any kind, but especially the music business. It has nothing to do with music or business, but everything to do with social and self philosophies that have been exemplified by people throughout history to wheel and maintain honour, respect and power.
Robert Greene, the author of this book, believes he has found someone who has mastered the 48 laws of power to succeed as an entrepreneur 50 cent has teamed up with Robert Greene for a joint venture in publishing the new book "The 50th Law". While Greene was at first skeptical of meeting and dealing with a celebrity, the project has now unfolded in to a great new literary work.
This book makes perfect sense for 50 cent, an entrepreneur who embodies the hunger of a hustler on the corner. Consider that 50 cent has made his mark on the Forbe Fortune list with a net income valued at over 400 million (US) dollars.
Due to be released in early September, 2009, this book is sure to fly off of the book shelves. An audio book will also be released read by both authors. I'm very interested in picking up a copy of both of these books, the 48 laws and the 50th law. What do you think ? Just another money grab or a great venture that will only increase 50's power and success as a music business mogul ?

I've read the 48 laws of power. It's pretty deep material. What makes the 48 laws of power unique that it uses historic examples to explain the law. Also for many of the laws there a reversal when you should do the exact opposite.
ReplyDeleteI'll check for the 50th law. It looks good so far. I'm impressed by Curtis Jackson the businessman more than the rapper
I'm actually listening to the 48 laws of power right now on audio books. So far I find it very interesting, I'm sure when Im finished I will have found it to be quite insightful into my own personality.
ReplyDeleteI agree, willieD, I have never been the biggest 50 cent fan music wise, but as an entrepreneur he has proven to be quite impressive. Thanks for leaving a comment :)
- RTiculate